Getting pregnant is hard! Idk what to do next. I don't have the best insurance, any advice on helpful options?

My fiancé and are have been trying get pregnant for almost a year now. The wedding is not until next year and we were really hoping to get pregnant in time to have the baby several months before, but it's cutting it close now (a little untraditional I know but we wanted the big wedding and needed time to save, if not we'd be married by now). 
I'm 30, and I've been pregnant before when I was in my 20's but had a miscarriage. I decided to wait after that to finish college. Now I'm done with grad school and ready for the next phase of life and ready to be a mom! I figured since I've been pregnant before that when I decided to start trying that it wouldn't be a problem. But I'm started to get discouraged. I've been using the app, taking vitamins, my fiancé has made changes too, and eating healthy but nothing.
My biggest fear is that I have damaged my Fallopian tubes from when I got PID a couple years ago, due to a chlamydia and IUD infection (same time). I wasn't sexually active before the infection and had been tested a few months before. After a one time thing with an ex, about a week later, I started noticing pain and other symptoms. I went to urgent care the next day, with fever and vomiting. They told me about he infection and PID, the doctor gave me a couple of injections of antibiotics and anti inflammatories. I got better after a day or two and retested a few weeks later and was negative. But I kept getting yeast and bacterial infections after that, it took several months until things came back to normal. 
One I met my fiancé and things got serious, I had another follow up with the doctor and I asked about the possibility of fertility issues after the infection. She said that based on the short time between when I got infected and when I treated that it was unlikely that I have damage, and she did not do any test and said I have to wait a year of trying before my insurance will cover any test. I'm frustrated I can't spare any more months!
I just wish I could find out sooner, but don't have the extra money to pay <a href="">fertility treatment</a>. 
Any advice or resources you could give me would be great! Or cheap options to boost fertility that helped.