21 wks, possible water leak after car wreck?

Amanda • 🌿🌰🌱
I went to the hospital in an ambulance after being involved in a four car pile up (my car folded up and is completely totalled). Im 21 wks and they were more worried about my neck vertebrae being damaged than they were about the baby. I requested they check on her so they did an ultrasound. I was there mostly by myself due to my boyfriend leaving to tend to our 3 yr old, also in the wreck. I was also very in and out of it, then towards the end, i was on painkillers. They sent me home saying that generally everything was fine. I was very out of it and accepted that answer and was wheeled to the entry way. Two days later im worried my water might be leaking? It's my fourth pregnancy, second live baby, and im terrified. The leakage is clear and happens whether i am clenching my muscles or not. How can you tell the difference??