What could it be.....? 😔

Okay so, I am currently ttc #2, and let me agree with majority of you... It is EXHAUSTING... Had a mc in April at 5 weeks ( a month before my wedding) 😢...
 Anywho, I am between 8-10 dpo and when I tell you that I have had or am having every single early symptom... Nausea (w/o vomiting), headaches, bad lower back pain, light cramping, boob tenderness, acne (I have never had acne my whole 26 yrs of living), extreme fatigue, random food cravings, frequent urination (every hr on the hr just about), leg cramps, bloating, metallic after taste, sensitive gums, even heartburn... You name it I got it... And I never get any symptoms like this before af besides a mild case of PMS! 
Just wondering, should I go ahead and test or still wait...? I mean the worse it could be is a negative because it's still kinda early. 😒😔 (af due in about 7 days)