Feeling depressed.

Is anyone else feeling down lately? It's like everything makes me upset and I cry constantly. My husband is really making me feel worthless. He wanted me to be a stay at home mom so I quit my really good job to stay at home with our 4 yr old boy and soon to be baby boy. Now it's like he thinks he's the only one contributing and is making me feel like everything I do is nothing Bc it's not a paying job. I'm telling you right now going to work is a freaking vacation!! It's a lot of work to stay at home full time. I think Bc your "job" never ends. You don't get a break. Gosh this baby isn't even here yet and I'm going nuts as it is. My husband is a good man. But lately it's like he doesn't care about me or how I feel. Since I have been pregnant he hasn't once asked how I am or if I need anything. I don't even remember the last time he really kissed me. Ugh..... Vent over. I am just done feeling like this. Ahh