Starting to panic


Nothing is wrong! I'm 13w3d and everything has been fine. I haven't gained weight but haven't really enjoyed much food. Heartburn and peeing at night is a pain and plenty of ligament pain. BUT it seems like its been forever since my last apt (at 10w6d) and then long story short I used to own a children's resale store and when we shut it down we hoarded a TON of items since we were trying. This past week so we can sell the girl stuff started going through it and bringing it all inside and now I'm starting to panic that something has happened. I thought to order a fetal Doppler but afraid I'll become obsessed. This is my second pregnancy but 7 years between....I hate feeling like this when I should be enjoying it!

End of rant....thanks ladies for being here and letting me get it out and not feel crazy!