I need advice, Very detailed

On August 5th I had protected sex. But I guess in the middle of it the condom came off. We continued for 15 minutes but then we stopped because I was trying to prevent myself from getting pregnant. He did not ejaculate in me I know that for a fact. The next day I went to the doctors and got plan b. I took it exactly at noon and two days after I was having cramps. August 12th I started seeing discarded blood. I thought I had my period already. In July I got my period on the 20th and ended July 25th. This is the first time I experienced this. The discarded blood continued until August 17th. 
August 24th I started to bleed fresh blood. Later that day I wanted to throw up a little and had a headache. I'm on my second day right now and I've had a little bit of a headache today. I just want to know if it's possible for me to be pregnant? I know it sound silly but I'm just hoping someone has gone through what I'm going through right now. So I can know this is normal and I'm actually on my period 😅 
Much help will be appreciated, thank you ☺️