Being induced at 38 weeks

My doctor is inducing me at 38 weeks due to gestational hypertension. I'm not looking forward to being induced because I've heard bad things but I am looking forward to my baby boy being here a little early! & with my blood pressure there's nothing really I can do about it.  Right now he's estimated 7lbs 7 oz via ultrasound yesterday. He's been measuring 2 weeks ahead, but I've heard the inducing is more painful & that scares me. But any labor is painful so I'm going in expecting whatever happens, happens! I happen to feel great! & wish I could hold him in a little longer, but doctor said no way he doesn't want to prolong it! Someone please tell me inducing doesn't come with a whole lot of complications?! My husband & I are going to try sex & everything before going in to be induced just to help with softening cervix & help get it moving along a little bit naturally. It's just weird because I feel great right now, only pregnancy symptom I have is tiredness. That's it.