Possible Turner's Syndrome...

Yesterday was my 1st OB appt, at 14w4d with a confirmed due date 2/19/16.  We did an ultrasound & wasn't even in there 10 mins, baby was facing downward so we really didn't get to see the face. After the ultrasound we saw my dr, he said during the ultrasound they saw an area that was thicker (fluid) around the baby's neck and he mentioned "Turners Syndrome" so he ordered some blood work to determine this. He said usually around 20 weeks the baby grows out of it and it's nothing. Blood work takes approx 10 days to get back. It will also determine baby's gender. I'm a wreck. I've had 2 perfectly healthy babies before, and this has me scared. I've done some research because I wanted to know more, that's a whole different world!! Preparing yourself for something such as this is hard!  as anyone else went through this? What was the outcome?