2 week late period. Prego? Or just late?

My last period was on July 10th. My period should have came 2 weeks ago on August 12th. But still has not. Since then I have had symptoms like I'm going to start my period (bloating mostly) and I've also been very gassy, some heartburn, not very hungry, headaches. And a warming sensation in my lower abdominal region. And sometimes a twitching feeling. I also have a pinching sensation in the middle of my stomach about 3 inches above my belly button. and my boyfriend have been using the pull out method for 4 years. I took a test the 16th and it was negative. And two days after that I took another one but the test turned a weird pale color and took forever to get a result and it showed negative. A couple days ago I checked my CM and it was milky. Does anyone have any thoughts?