2 missed periods!!!

Rochelle • 26 Years Young.... Currently on my 4th pregnancy praying God lets me hold this baby! 3 Angel Babies ~ Ishmael-Ruben 2/15 & Jonathan-Micah 12/16 & Alexis-Rose 9/17 ♡♡♡ Forever in My Heart! ♡♡♡ ...
Hi ladies. Im now on the 2nd month of missing my period. My LMP was june 17th and my cycle is usually 31 days give or take. Had a mc at 15+1 in February and AF has been like clockwork ever since until now. Have an ultrasound booked for 2 weeks time but has this ever happened to anyone or can anyone help me figure out whats wrong with me atall. Getting really worried now. Any comments will be really appreciated. Thanks