How do you know he's the right one?

I've been dating my boyfriend for almost 2 years now and we've had some tough times (lots of arguments and tears ) yet we have always end up good we have spoke about many things and he says he wants to marry me and move in with me .. However Lately when we argue I've been feeling that maybe he's not the one because of the stupid reasons we fight for... He gets mad at me for little things and makes a big deal about it to the point where he won't even talk to me at all. He got mad today because I said I could go visit him since I'm at school and tomorrow's my last day and I have finals and products due. He said I was making excuses so finally I gave up and said ok to see him and after I said okay and I was ready to go he told me he was joking. Then said he was joking about joking (if that makes sense) I got hurt and he doesn't talk to me.  I don't know what to do. 😞😣