Nesting is out of Control!!!

I feel grumpy all the time!! And I think it is because my house feels like a wreck. I have two older children so keeping the house tidy is impossible. I even called in sick to work on Tuesday so I could stay home and clean. I felt better until the next day when it was trashed again. I have cleaned out my car, my office and still feel like things aren't clean. To make it worse we have two inside dogs. One of which is a very heavily shedding Golden Retriever!! We have a Roomba vacuum which runs everyday while we are at work and I always thought it kept the hair to a minimum but lately I am so annoyed and feel like it is everywhere!!!!! 
I actually hired a professional cleaner to come a week before the baby is scheduled and the day after that I have someone coming to shampoo my carpets. Hopefully that will help. 
Nesting out of control!!