Depression and pregnant

Buddy🐠👻🔺ஷொ • Use to hold thoughtful conversation, now I post memes.

I'm someone that has been battling depression for most of my life. Right now I am currently pregnant. While I am excited about being a new mom, I've been filled with a lot of dread and unhappiness. It seems to be a build up of a lot of different issues that has caused me to have a huge melt down today and miss work.

I just feel unsatisfied with my work and I am becoming increasingly more afraid to leave my home to be around people. But I really need my job to help support my baby.

I also feel really isolated and alone. My friends never call me anymore and they are all doing stuff without me. My husband also is into his hobbies (which is fine) but only tries to be close to me when he wants sex. And it makes me feel a bit worthless sometimes.

I just feel like a lose and a failure but I want to be someone that my child can look up to. I also want to be mentally healthy enough to carry this child. I'm going to get some professional therapy, but I had to get this off my chest.