
I'm honestly not sure if I'm posting this in the right group, I'm still pretty new, so I'm sorry if I'm not. But, I've had 4 miscarriages, but had 2 normal healthy pregnancies with 2 beautiful babies to brag about, well I finally got tired of not knowing what was going on, and went to my regular dr, and she said it could be due to the 1 abnormal pap I've had, it was back in 2001, but she said it's possible that's what's causing my miscarriages, I could have a blood clot and it's causing the baby to not be able to survive in the womb. I'm really hoping that's all it is. she said if that's it, they'll put me on blood thinners, and maybe even aspirin, or Tylenol. I want another baby, my youngest is 5. I've been ready, just haven't found the right guy, and now that I have, I want another one, so here's to hoping that's all it is. She said to have protected sex till they get the results in, which will be about 3 weeks. I go back in September 16. I'm so ready for it to get here. Sorry for the long post. Just wanted to get this out, and be able to talk to some women who have been thru a miscarriage or could possibly know what I'm going through