Should I test?

I started bleeding lightly today and it's 6dpo and af isn't due for a week and a half yet according to glow. The spotting seems to be stopping and I really don't have that much cramping. I just miscarried not that long ago and I'm terrified of it happening again. I'm not sure if I'm ready to go through that process again and we had an uhoh...wasn't really trying. If it's positive I might change my attitude but right now I'm worried(apparently miscarriages are a problem in my family) and have no clue when I can test. I also had some other nonsupportive family members last time when it occurred...thus my hesitation to be excited to have a baby anymore. Sorry to be a downer to all of those looking for their bfps and sorry for the rant just seeing if I should test if the bleeding stops.

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