Line is getting lighter

Janel • 41 y/o FTM trying to figure it all out
My family is getting tired of me obsessing, so I'm turning to the ladies here who have a little bit more experience. I'm 39, TTC # 1. I finally got my BFP on 8 / 26 (1st day of missed af), and I had confirmation with the digital. However, my doctor can't see me for a blood test until Monday, so I tested yesterday and today to see if my levels went up. It looks like the line is getting lighter. I've had intermittent cramping and no spotting. Does this look like a chemical pregnancy to you?
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Honestly I use FRER because the other tests like yours were giving me weird results. I feel with FRER the differences are much more noticeable. 


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Update: it was a chemical pregnancy. The lines got later everyday until I finally got a "not pregnant" at 19 DPO. Next time I won't test until 2 weeks late instead of the first day/week of my missed period.


Linda • Sep 26, 2015
I'm so sorry to hear that, I will be doing the same. I'm due my period on 2nd of October... I'm praying for us all hun xx


Janel • Sep 25, 2015
it's OK. I'm fine now. it was cool to be pregnant for a week :). it really helped me to distinguish af and Ov symptoms from pregnancy symptoms. I am even more determined to do it again 😉.


Ruah • Sep 25, 2015
so sorry girl😕😞


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If you take out the lh test in the middle it doesn't look like they are getting lighter. Have you tested with all fmu? Because if you haven't different urine concentrations can cause them to be show up differently. 


Janel • Aug 29, 2015
actually, the one above the OPK was taken with FMU, but the one after it (which I think is the darkest) was the 3rd morning urine. the light ones after it are all 2nd mu, so I'm praying you're right. Thanks