What's your bump name? ...

Love hearing the names people give to their bumps ... what is yours? Or do you have a bump name in reserve for when it happens?
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I didnt give mine a name but everything became "us" or "we" lol my co workers would laugh so hard when id say "we're so hungry i need to get us something to eat"😆😍 but its true!! Lmaoo its literally two living beings that just happen to be sharing one body at the moment👶🏽


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I'd nicknamed my first bump Baby Biscuit. Like bun in the oven, but a biscuit. Unfortunately,  I miscarried and now my Fiancé and I have plans of getting biscuit tattoos 😅


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My basket all obsessed husband has dubbed our little one "Steve Nash". He cracks me up. I wanted to name it "junior" so I could say it like Sean Connery does in Indiana Jones. 


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I keep rubbing my stomach and saying little Adelaide lol it's funny cause if I had a baby girl I would name it Scarlett rose or something similar and a boy David Christian or mason grey


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My boyfriend calls me oinkers cause I snort when I laugh, we call our future bump piglet lol mind you Idek if I'm pregnant yet lol!