On your ff chart it has a countdown to your period it can change from month to month depending on how your cycles are. From the looks it says you will get AF on Tuesday it has you 2 days before predicted period now. So I would wait until tues/weds to test. Best wishes . :))
No worries. See down the bottom where it says 5,4,3,2? That's the countdown to when ff expects you to get your period. Fertility friend is awesome it's very accurate I found temping with opk's and you will always know when you ovulate it just takes a couple of cycles to get to know how your cycles
talisa • Aug 30, 2015
Where can I see that?? Lol.
Posted at
I'm currently reading taking charge of your fertility and it says that's 18 temps above the cover line can indicate pregnancy! You are so close!!! Hold out a few more days and retest!!! Good luck
I'm having the same thing! Feel for you as I am only 11 DPO.Im 11 days, temp not going down. At 4 days of spotting though from DPO7.Glow keeps congratulating me for being pregnant!Today I have a weird pulling feeling in my belly from navel down.
Baby Dust to you too! Fertility Friend says 18DPO would be a sure thing so hang in there you only have 24 hours to go. I know it will be long 24 hours for you. let us know how you go!
talisa • Aug 30, 2015
Baby dust to you.
talisa • Aug 30, 2015
Today is my CD 40 as well! OMG.. Lol. I hope I'm pregnant :\