Asshole or not?

So my boyfriend has been an asshole in my opinion lately. It's been over 2 weeks since he's hung out with me because he's "busy". I just got my wisdom teeth out two days ago and I've been drugged up and begging for him to come see me and he didn't, and ended up hanging out with a friend instead. Then, while I am still in lots of pain and drugged up on meds, he texted me all this really harsh stuff about how I "liked" some picture on Instagram of a guy who is his "worst enemy" who took his position in football for a few days (they are on the same team and he's calling saying all kinds of shit) and telling me how terrible I and I apologized and told him I don't even remember liking it because I'm on a lot of meds and that I wouldn't do it on purpose. Then after a while on Twitter a guy replied to one of my tweets which I can't help and he went off on me again and told me he was going to come see me tomorrow but thinks he might not now because he "doesn't like the way I'm behaving" and all my "social media shit". I'm at a loss for words because all I've done all day and for the past two weeks is ask to see him and hang out and told him I miss him but yet he thinks I treat him "like he's worthless" because of a picture and a guy responding to a tweet which I can't control? What would you ladies do with this sort of guy? Unfortunately, I have strong feelings for him and have for the past two years so it's easier said to dump him and move on. But is this not right for a guy to do? I just think it's especially ridiculous since I'm not even with it and in lots of pain and he's only thinking about himself...idk, what would you do?