Should I wait to go back to school?

I am in my last year of college. Classes start Tuesday. Last spring I took the semester off because I had back surgery and was still recovering. During my recovery I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Just recently I was referred to an oncologist/hematologist after I had blood work done. I originally went in for a pregnancy test and the did a CBC while they were at it. Came back that my white blood cell count is high. I had it tested three times and each time it rose a little more. I haven't gone to the specialist yet, I go Thursday. In afraid that I may have another serious illness and already with my fibromyalgia, I'll afraid I won't be able to keep up with a full course load and working. I only work part time (30 hours) overnights, but I find myself tired without the courses in there. If I don't take a full course load, my financial aid will not go through. Any advice would be great.

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