Dye test questions..please help

Katie • Stay at home mommy as of 6/30/16!!!
Have any of you had the dye test done? I was told around day 5-9 I need it done. Now today I stopped spotting so my periods here. About how long does the whole thing take? How long are you in the office for it? I heard it was a 5-10 min procedure.  I'm trying to figure out for work my schedule bc it's hard to take time off. And I get an hour lunch break I'm trying to figure if I could go on lunch break and take maybe a 2 hour break? And that would be plenty of time. My dr also mentioned it was done at noon time at the hospital. Also my dr wants us to go for a second opinion consult with an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> doctor so we scheduled that on 9/9 at 735 am that since I work at 715 will ask to come in around 10/1015 but 9/9 is too late to do the dye test on the same day. ugh what to do what to do? It's Sunday so I won't know until I call my Drs to schedule the test tomorrow. It's just hard for me to get time off work. 
Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated