Anxiety about another

Christina • Mommy of a beautiful little girl who is hoping to give her a brother or sister soon!
I wanted to give my daughter a sibling and I prayed so hard for this baby that's due in April. I had an early loss soon after we started trying and was devastated. I was overjoyed to be pregnant again afterward. I'm seven and a half weeks now. My fears of doing this all over again keep me up at night. Before getting pregnant I was sad to think this could be my last. Now I'm terrified of just two. I think about the sleepless nights and how self sufficient my two year old is and that I've gotten so used to it. I feel like I'm starting over and I'm so anxious!! Nursing non stop - the c section recovery - were relocating to another state just two months after its born - making baby food 😫😫😫 I'm a wreck and don't know where this is coming from.