Ovarian cyst rupture.

Desi • Blessed be

Went to ER about 4 days ago having horrible horrible pain in my abdomen.

Turned out to be a ruptured hemorrhagic cyst is what i believe the doc. Called it.

She said my body would absorb the fluid and blood and I should bebon bed rest for a couple days. But she didn't really explain ANYTHING about it. Not witch side it was on or how big it was or if I had more or when I would feel normal again.

She did say it wouldn't affect my fertility so thats good...

Just still a bit worried! Although a lot of women say they hurt for awhile after and anytime they go to the bathroom it feels lile labor but I don't really hurt at all. Just mild discomfort and pre period like cramps . Is that normal?? My husband and I have been ttc and really thought it was our month. Does this mean I'm not pregnant? I'll be going to GYNO next week but just needed skme advice from anyone who's been through this . Feeling really discouraged.