Always justifying the unjustified

I cooked today roast potatoes and some other things my fiance doesn't like roast I knew that but I do so I said u can take care of yourself for dinner then.....smh then I find myself justifying the situation like he did work all week and then came home and did his thing in the bedroom now I'm stuck cooking 2 different meals ughhhhhh and its homemade pull pork at that! This stuff take time! Frustrated! Idk why I always find myself giving into his tantrums!
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Posted at
It's one thing if your man appreciates what you do but it sounds like he doesn't. My husband makes his own breakfast and lunch, if not his mom. If I happen to be up I might make something but geez, men are such babies.


Amy • Aug 30, 2015
My gender role is having his babies and cleaning. When a role marks you unhappy though, it's time to switch things up.


tee • Aug 30, 2015
but i am😢i one of the not normal ones that believe in gender roles to a certain degree


Amy • Aug 30, 2015
I'm a SAHM and have the time, I just choose not to. My husband is completely fine with it. If I do, he appreciates it, if I don't, no biggie. I have huge issues with expectations. I'm not a good house wife 😆


Posted at
Compromise. I know there are some things that I eat and my husband doesn't so during the week I will make things we both like and then on weekends when he works and im at home I'll eat things I like so there aren't arguments and I'm not pulling double duty in the kitchen.


tee • Aug 30, 2015
smh right!


MB ♡ • Aug 30, 2015
I would say eat what's there or fix it yourself lol


tee • Aug 30, 2015
right thats what i told him i fix his lunches 5days a week for work also get up n early a.m like 5 and make him breakfast before he go to work then he comes home to i told him weekends are on u but no smh he wants me to make dinner on the weekend to! although he did make breakfast and lunch but still!