If someone else tells me what to do with MY kid and MY body...


Im gonna kick em in the genitals so they can feel how I've felt the last 9 months!

My son was born at 37 wks. He was perfect, no problems and we were home in the standard 3 days. So, as I've now hit 35 weeks (and getting more miserable by the second) I joke and half heartedly pray that this child will too be born at 37 weeks. Lol

My family gets it. But my Aunt, my friggin FATHER IN LAW, and the family friend, among a few others are chewing MY ASS about carrying to due date AND BEYOND! um A.) I will NOT go beyond my due date. Ill make sure of that lol

And B.) Why is it so many people think they have a say over what happens with my own body!?! Obviously baby will be born when hes born. All im saying is, if I chose to have a scheduled induction at 39 wks bc I CANT FUCKING EVEN STAND UP ANYMORE, isnt that MY prerogative? Ugh, hormones are getting to me im sure. But here we are reaching the end and everyone thinks its ok to start telling you what to do, giving unwarranted advice and unwanted opinions. This is my 2nd baby. I know what im doing. I thought getting people to shut up was a first baby problem.

Am I alone here?

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Posted at
I just don't discuss things with most family members. If you don't bring it up they usually don't. And if they do, be very vague. I hinted at a desire for a natural labor early in my pregnancy and my MIL and SIL were very negative and discouraging. I never brought it up again and they seem to have forgotten! Change the topic, give vague answers, avoid the argument! :)


Katie • Aug 31, 2015
My approach exactly! Prevents me from having to tell people to mind their own business 😊😊😊


Posted at
Well at least your family or friends are all for pushing for an induction or epidural when you want neither. Just don't discuss anything else with them. Have your baby your way and screw them (sorry) lol


Aisha • Aug 31, 2015
Bah, that's the exact same thing... They should really all butt out and let us make our own calls!


Melanie • Aug 31, 2015
Are not all pushing*


Posted at
Opinions are like assholes: everyone's got one. In this respect though, just like their assholes, I wish some people would keep them to themselves! It's a hard enough time without having to justify yourself to people that have nothing to do with it. I kind of just stopped paying attention. When someone goes on like that (like in Holland I'm getting a lot of frowns for wanting an epidural) I just tell them it's my decision and they can do whatever they want when they're pregnant. But this is my body, my baby, my decision. I wasn't asking for their permission.


Posted at
I really do hate when family put in their two cents.... just shut up and let me do my pregnancy the way I want to. 


Posted at
No completely understandable in the same position right now