Can anyone relate

I am 37 years old & my husband is 43. We have been trying to conceive for 3 years. I have a history of fibroids & have had 2 major surgeries to remove them & they still came back. I'm a very healthy person & have been my whole life. I eat healthy organic food & make everything myself since I'm a chef. I exercise 4-5 days a week, drink bottled water all day,  take no medications or over the counter medicines. It's all natural for me, even going as far as using all natural deoderant, creams, & household cleaners. My husband was married before & was able to conceive but it ended in a miscarriage. Now he has a very low testosterone & was taking clomid to boost up his sperm count. We did a total of 4 IUIs which were unsuccessful & just when I was starting to think there was something wrong with me I got pregnant naturally, but then quickly had a miscarriage. That was almost 9 months ago & it's hard not to think I would be due soon if I carried full term. I'm getting so discouraged & it seems everyone I know is on their 2nd or 3rd kid with no problems. No one can understand at all what it's like to go through this & I feel very alone. My whole life all I wanted was to be a mother & I couldn't bare to go through life without baring my own child & having my own family. I'm starting to get discouraged & feel like because of my age it won't happen for me. I'm also finding myself distancing myself from my closest family & friends that have children because it makes me depressed that I don't have my own & then I feel guilty for feeling that way. Can anyone relate to these feeling?