Starting over.


For 5 years I went through infertility testing and treatment (PCOS and anovulation). Have done clomid, 3 IUIs, hormone injections, femara and a few other random things. We never went as far as <a href="">IVF</a> due to the money. 5 years ago my mom passed and life was different (husband was medically discharged from military)...we decided we were done. We were ok never having kids and just quit trying. We still have never used BC, my periods even got (mostly) regular. I have a period every month now at least and they usually come at some point within a week or so of "normal".

The last couple months we have decided we wanted to try again. As silly as it sounds I remained positive and even a little excited this month.

For the last week I've been feeling worn down and just overall not myself. According to glow and a general idea of a cycle length, my period should have come today. No sign, not one cramp, no spotting...nothing. Normally a week or so before i am miserable with cramps and bloating. However, it's a BFN like it always has been. How did I let myself get even remotely hopeful? Sigh