How do you feel about anal?

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poop disaster 


Alyssa • Aug 31, 2015


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Honestly my boyfriend and I tried it and it wasn't bad. It's just a very different feeling when something is going in, instead of coming out 😂


Jackie • Aug 31, 2015
I refer to it as reverse pooping


Jackie • Aug 31, 2015
I refer to it as


Katy • Aug 31, 2015
Ain't that the truth 😂


Posted at
Funny story, ex knew I hated it sober so he asked me when I was hammered one time and I actually really enjoyed it. For the next year he'd just tell me ahead of time that he wanted to and id just take a few shots, get a nice buzz going and we'd have a great time. Haha 


Jess • Aug 31, 2015
Oh my goodness!! I've actually told me partner to do this haha! I'm so nervous sober, but I think after a few drinks I'll relax a bit, I am really keen to try!


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Ok I didn't vote because my feeling toward it is 'meh' It feels a little awkward but not too bad so I'm willing to do it on occasion with my boyfriend who absolutely loves it


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You orgasm in a whole new way. If you do it right and take your time, it is amazing.