His brother keeps clogging the toilet..

My boyfriend's brother (he's 11) is staying with us for a few months. May I add he's flooded his mother's house two times because of clogging her toilet. The price tag for that was well over $3000.

I've gotten on to him almost everyday about this and he acts like such a jerk. He uses almost half a roll of toilet paper when he poops. Why? I have no clue. Maybe he's OCD about any poop left on his butt. My toilet has been clogged 3 times this week! He acts like he's incapable of using the plunger too.

"I cant do it, no, no I'm not using the plunger. I dont care." Really, why are you so rude!!

I had to hide the toilet paper and set out a certain amount for him, about 5-6 sheets a poop session. Isn't this ridiculous?! I feel like I'm in prison having to take my own roll into the bathroom and then place it by my bed when I'm done.

I don't know what else to do. He won't listen.