Fiancé troubles

So, my fiancé and I have been having troubles. It started when I was befriending a guy from my school, he believed I was cheating on him (he's had many bad situations with girls cheating on him so his paranoia is understandable to an extent) we faught for a while, broke up a few times but eventually worked everything out, or so I thought. He proposed to me about a month or two ago and since then he has begun this vicious cycle of accusing me of things I haven't done DAILY, refusing to believe anything I say (I mean ANYTHING, I can't tell him my favorite color is blue without him arguing that a long time ago I told him it was yellow or something) I have reason to believe that he sometimes has his friends at school watch me (which he would be doing himself as usual except he doesn't go to my school anymore) he continuously tries to grab my boobs, my crotch, play with my nipples, stick his tongue into my mouth after going I for a seemingly innocent "peck", or tries to force my head down near his crotch even after I look him in the eyes and flat out tell him "NO" to any of this stuff. He gets made when I'm on my phone but then picks it up and starts playing on it himself, also going through my messages, contacts, photos ect... He won't let me get any sleep at night because he watches shows on our tv until 4 in the morning even after I ask him to turn it off or go somewhere else to watch stuff. He also dogs on me about EVERYTHING I do, I can't breath without him telling me I'm doing it wrong or pissing him off. Then, he starts trying to make it better with kisses and snuggling but it's all short lived because the cycle quickly starts again. 
What do I do??? I want to work things out but when I try he knows how to shut me down and make himself the victim. Sometimes my mom steps in and puts him back in his place but she can't be there to help forever, please help me.