Halloween Spirit đź‘»

Halloween happens to be one of my top favorite holidays ❤ For my SO it's the opposite. He & I talked about the reasons why he just doesn't celebrate it (no he's not super religious) he was just raised into not celebrating it & for me that's fine. The conflict begins when I mention our first child will be born & that I want her to experience the trick or treating and the such when she's older. He is not too fond of that idea & of course I respect his reasons.

Just a side note : I was raised in a Hispanic legalistic house hold. My grandmother never allowed me to go trick or treating until I was 10 years old and rules were only with family members. She hated Halloween.

I see nothing wrong with going out and dressing up and getting candy but SO does. I need some ideas I can keep in mind for the long run as to how I can still "celebrate" Halloween with my first born just without the trick or treating part. I mentioned buying her her first Halloween candy basket and just filling it up with candy and giving it to her but he just looked at me like it was a joke lol. My due date is Nov 8th so she'll be close to 1 yr old next year on Halloween. I want to have fun with it. I'm going to mention going with her to pick out her first pumpkin but I have no idea how to bring that up either lol jeez