Halloween Spirit đź‘»

Halloween happens to be one of my top favorite holidays ❤ For my SO it's the opposite. He & I talked about the reasons why he just doesn't celebrate it (no he's not super religious) he was just raised into not celebrating it & for me that's fine. The conflict begins when I mention our first child will be born & that I want her to experience the trick or treating and the such when she's older. He is not too fond of that idea & of course I respect his reasons.

Just a side note : I was raised in a Hispanic legalistic house hold. My grandmother never allowed me to go trick or treating until I was 10 years old and rules were only with family members. She hated Halloween.

I see nothing wrong with going out and dressing up and getting candy but SO does. I need some ideas I can keep in mind for the long run as to how I can still "celebrate" Halloween with my first born just without the trick or treating part. I mentioned buying her her first Halloween candy basket and just filling it up with candy and giving it to her but he just looked at me like it was a joke lol. My due date is Nov 8th so she'll be close to 1 yr old next year on Halloween. I want to have fun with it. I'm going to mention going with her to pick out her first pumpkin but I have no idea how to bring that up either lol jeez

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For little kids, there are usually city run events where you can get your faces painted, pony rides, games etc, and you wear your Halloween costume. When my son turned one I made him an ewok (the little bear people from star wars) and he carried around his pumpkin basket and we just said hi to the neighbors. No candy. We probably won't trick or treat for a while just because he doesn't need the excessive amount of candy you get when you hit up a whole subdivision. lol


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You and your SO can celebrate with your baby in other ways than just trick or treating. If he doesn't like it, then don't do it. Take your baby to get pumpkins, make halloween cookies, let her dress up. Maybe buy some candy and let her have it. Watch the halloween children movies together and if you live in the city, get some candy to hand out with her!


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Trick or treating is a dying tradition. I miss the days when parents could let their kids go trick or treating and not really worry about candy being poisoned or razor blades being hidden in treats. We loved in apartment buildings in CT and every year we would go around the entire building trick or treating.These days you can't really do that anymore without worrying.We take our daughter to community events instead, it just feels a lot safer.


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We watch peanuts, (the great pumpkin is fantastic!) And carve pumpkins and roast and eat pumpkin seeds and drink apple cider. We do go to a pumpkin farm in october, the girls love feeding the goats and playing with "friends" and going on a hayride. there are some really fun things to do out there that have nothing to do with trick or treat.


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There's plenty of community events where they have "trunk or treat". They always market it more as a fall festival thing to remain politically correct. One small town near me does that with pumpkin chunkin. Its not labeled halloween at all, just as a fall fest. Maybe start with something like that rather than going door to door in the neighborhood. Also look into Octoberfests, many churches do them and open up to the community. they're like small carnivals. Plenty of Halloween activities without the label of Halloween.