Cancer survivors and conception?

Brandi • ♉, 39 years old, married 4+ years💍, ttc for👶🏿#1, BFP 3/10/19 Miscarriage @6weeks 3/20/19, TTC for 👶🏿#1 again
Any cancer survivors out there, who've had chemo and conceived later on in life? I'm 36, 9 years in remission from Stage IV Large Diffuse Cell Lymphoma. Had the CHOP treatment with Rituximab. Took a drug called Lupron that stopped my menestration on purpose while taking chemo to preserve my ovarian function. As soon as I got off of all treatments, my period resumed on a normal schedule. I have a high egg reserve per my AMH count. We are ttc #1. Surely could use some encouraging stories.