I'm a mom working full-time

Am I neglecting my child? That's what I've been told by SEVERAL people......all of which have been at church......

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Posted at
No. I'm a stay at home mom and get told I'm either lazy or a gold digging free loader. It's never enough for anyone no matter what choice we make as mothers. Ignore them. 


Caroline • Aug 31, 2015
That's good old jealousy making people rude.


Gwynne • Aug 31, 2015
yeah I get that one too....


TNG • Aug 31, 2015
Yeah it's really hilarious the way ppl see stay at home moms.


Posted at
I'm a SAHM and would never think about calling a full time working mom neglectful. We're all in this together, doing what we can for our kids. 


Posted at
If the people at church are telling you you are neglecting your motherhood responsibilities, tell them THEY are neglecting their Catholic responsibilities of not judging others  


👻 Siena 🌹 • Aug 31, 2015
That's shocking Angela. Like MLynn all priests I know will baptise a child if one parent is Catholic.


Gwynne • Aug 31, 2015
Ok are you not married in the in the catholic church? They do require that, at least in my diocese, in order to be baptised in the church. And then priest are human, some are better at being Christian then others. My SIL was married outside the church. When she tried to baptise her children in the Catholic church, the priest (who was apparently a drunk) told her no because her children were an "abomination." Believe it or not she has never went back.....But there are good priests and bad priests, and they set the tone of the church. They should not ostracize you. They are not following Jesus teaching.


Michelle🐶 • Aug 31, 2015
That's pretty extreme. Sorry you have to deal with that


Posted at
My mom was a single mother who worked full time. Her working full time was her taking care of me. It meant a roof over my head, food on the table, clothes on my back and opportunities that would help me through life. You are not neglecting your child. You're doing a great job. Ignore people like that. 


Posted at
A full time work mother is not neglectful. Having a job is one of the most responsible things to be a parent.


Posted at
If you were a sahm they would be saying you were lazy.Js people are rude and judgemental.Do what works for your family. In the end of raising your child, it will be between you and your kids not some random people at church that suck.


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New research from Harvard business school says that working moms are "more likely to raise successful daughters and caring, empathetic sons."


Posted at
Good 'ol church folk...


Posted at
I hit yes by accident! Sorry! Lol


Justine • Aug 31, 2015
You cant win. I stay home without any kids. Can you imagine what people say about me?! Lol


Posted at
Tell those people who are negative to you that they are right, first thing Monday morning you're going to go in, quit your job and start collecting government assistance and food stamps. See how fast the shut their mouths.