Tell me if you would find this rude...

I have not eaten since 11am... It is (6:00pm) now... I finally had a chicken sandwich to eat and had already eaten half... My husband walks up and points at my half eaten chicken knowing I was starved and had not eaten since 11am and I was nauseous due to not eating for so long... He walked up to me and pointed at my food and said "I see blood in your chicken". It made me so damn mad bc then it grossed me out so bad I couldn't eat it! Would that not piss you off? I got mad and threw it out, he told me it was okay he ruined my only meal bc he had good intentions. I told him it didn't matter if I was the most well fed person on the planet or starved that anyone would be mad if that was said to them while in the middle of eating it. There was NO BLOOD just some red stuff from the tomatoes he watched me pull off.