Need a little support and input please.

I just had my first appointment with my high risk dr today, I'm at 16 weeks, and there were a couple things she said that didn't settle with me. I ha preeclampsia with my first singleton so at 12 weeks they did a 24 urine analysis jut to see where I was so far. She told me the results show that I already have high protien. So I will most likely develope preeclampsia with this pregnancy as well. She also did an ultrasound and said that both babies were measuring at 4oz each and she made a comment saying that's small!?! Every baby chart I read says babies are around 3.5oz at 16 weeks so how are they small??? And then when she went to schedule my next appointment with her she doesn't want to see me til 20 weeks. I got the impression, from what I've read, that once you get around the 16-18 week mark that doctors will want to see you about every 2 weeks. She  drop this high protien small baby bad news on me and then says I'll see you in a month. Am I over reacting or am I not getting seen enough/cared for right. I've only ever been to obgyn this pregnancy at 12 weeks and now at 16 weeks.