Middle of the night wake-ups?

Hi ladies. 13w3d. Second pregnancy, but the first one that has gotten this far. I'd say for about a week, I have been waking up between 2 or 3 in the morning to pee...and then can't fall back asleepnfor an hour/hour and a half. Anyone else? Or is this just because hubby is out of town?
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Posted at
Very normal! Happens to me everyday! Even though I'm EXHAUSTED, I can't seem to go back to sleep!


Posted at
No. I sleep about 4 hours a night. My sleep deprivation is real.


Posted at
This is exactly me. Wake up to pee about 3am. Can't fall asleep until like 6 then have to be up for work at 7:30!! 😩


Catherine • Sep 1, 2015
I just wanna be able to sleep again!


Karen • Sep 1, 2015
I have to be up at 5:30; this is getting old fast.


Posted at
Literally me right now lol woke up at 4:30 went to the bathroom now I'm here.... 


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Happens to me all the time! 😢


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Everyday I'm just so used to it it sucks cause I have to be up early but it's ok


Posted at
I have this trouble too! I'm so exhausted during the day, but just can't seem to be able to nap. And I've had several nights where I've woken up (either out of the blue or to pee) and just lay restless for about an hour and a half. It's horrible!!! 


Posted at
Same here, only it's all pregnancy. I've noticed that it's better if I diffuse essential oils at night. 


Posted at
Yes! For about a week now! Before I think I was so tired I slept so much and now I'm up anywhere between 2-4am without being able to sleep for at least an hour! Argh!


Posted at
Everynight! 😴😞