What's your relationship like with your Mother-in-law?

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My husband and I have completly cut her out of our lives so I don't ever have to deal with her. Its wonderful. My father-in-law and I have a wonderful relationship he is like a second dad to me!


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She's far away so she's alright. 🌵


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I absolutely love my MIL! She's the sweetest most caring being I have ever met, and she did a damn good job raising my fiance and her two other sons. I also have a 3year old from a previous relationship and she loves her like her very own grandchild (she actually enjoys going over her house more than my moms lol). I honestly couldn't have asked for a better MIL than her, she is truly a blessing.


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We get along great. She had always made it known she likes me, especially after my bf asked her for advice early in our relationship and she could see he was smitten :-)


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I love my mother in law!!! Now my father in law.... That's a different story... 


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My relationship is great with my MIL...now. However, it wasn't so great 4 years ago. It was a bumpy road but we are very close now and love each other very much. She is wonderful and I couldn't image a life without her in it.


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Nuff said


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My step mother in law is fantastic. I love her!! My mother in law is weird, I can't with her. She's weird to her own kids too. She pops in and out of their lives and this makes me resent her. 


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She lives in a different state so we are good. I tolerate her and try to be respectful for the sake of my husband. Thankful to her she raised an amazing man that now is my husband. My hubby loves his mom he's a mamas boy & I don't want to hurt him so I try to stay nice a respectful.


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My mil didn't raise my husband, she's a mean alcoholic, luckily we don't see her often. She's very childish and is always making things up trying to start fights between everyone. I tried to be friendly with her before I figured out how she is. she moved a couple states away about 4 yrs ago but she's moving back! It's safe to say I'm not thrilled...


Rachel • Sep 1, 2015
jealous of people with mil they can get along with. but i hadnt seen her in 3 yrs until this yr finally had to bite the bullet and go see her. my hubby was happy to see her but 2 full days and he was as ready to go as i was!


Jana • Sep 1, 2015
Same boat 😒