Quick question?? Please answer

So I noticed that yesterday and today,  I am having stomach pains like it felt like my period is coming even though I still have some time for it to come.. I went to the bathroom and when I wiped I noticed I was really wet down there.. I never track my ovulation and I only took an ovulation test once.. But how do I know if I am ovulation or not without a test? On here, it says that I ovulated a couple of days ago and I had sex on that day.. I am TTC.. And I have another app where it tells me I ovulated a different day and I had sex on that day as well.. This was a week ago.. So if I am ovulating right now I am assuming that I am not pregnant since I had sex a week ago twice, becsuse sperm only lives inside you for like 5 days correct? Sorry I am all new to this and need information..  And I won't be able to BM for awhile as he is not in town right now.. He has gone away for a couple of days... Thanks girls!