Im so mad i can scream

Okay I went to my gyn she did a hole bunch of test comes to find out I don't have pcos that pretty much I'm just need to lose some weight and that I have to take opks this and when it comes back positive I have to call and get blood work done to see if I'm ovulating then I go back to be put on meds to help me with ovulation I'm still mad
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Posted at
That does sound like pcos. Look for an endocrinologist that's covered by your insurance and explain to them over the phone what you're experiencing and ask if you should make an appointment to see if you need further tests done. Definitely should get a second opinion.


Posted at
Some types of pcos go away once u lose weight 


Posted at
But that still sounds like pcos


breanna • Sep 17, 2015
my gyn ran test im mean utrasounds everyrhing i dont have pcos i have nothing on my ovaries the reason why i gained weight was due to the depo shot and y my periods was not right becuase of it so the depo fucked me up bad to think my doctor had it but she never did any ultrasounds or anyblood work so i believe my gyn she knew what she was doing my ob didnt


No • Sep 17, 2015
U can have pcos and fall pregnant.. Congrats


breanna • Sep 16, 2015
but it wasnt pcos it was the depo now i 3 weeks pregnant 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁