Has anyone taken Cytotec (Misoprostol) for incomplete MC?

I went for my first appt last Tuesday and when my OB did the ultrasound I was only measuring 5 weeks and 6 days but should have been over 7 weeks according to my lmc and there was no heartbeat, so she wanted me to come back in a week to do more blood work and another ultrasound. Long story short, there has been no growth from last week to yesterday & still no heartbeat. I was so blindsided, as I'm sure all women are that have had this happen. She said I had 3 options, let the MC happy naturally which could take weeks, take Cytotec (Misoprostol) which I still may have to get a D&C or just go ahead and do a D&C. I have to pay my entire deductible and we just can't right now. Has anyone taken this medicine, if so what did you experience, and did you still end up having to have the D&C? I lost the baby at 5+weeks so she said it would more than likely work without having to do the D&C. It would Just be easier to start tomorrow and my husband be home for 4 days since Labor Day and he has Tuesday off already instead of the surgery since she only does them on Tuesdays. Sorry for the long post my mind is just running blank right now.