He's so insensitive sometimes..

I can't be the only one.. My husband likes to poke fun when I have my little miss swings and it's usually in front of my family. Today I was writing a list of baby names that we were seriously considering.. I put a lot of time into it cause I want to pick names now so we're not arguing later when we have less time. My sister decides to write Nichole on all the names as middle names(p.s. It's her middle name) and it upset me. I didn't go off on her like I wanted to but I told her not to be messing with my stuff and I didn't quite whisper.. And she knew it would make me mad. Idk why it bothered me so much but it did. My husband starts making jabs at me about being hormonal and saying things like "oh, it's the baby.. Is the baby mad?" And so on.. And it hurt my feelings. Ok, Ya, I know I'm moody at times and can get upset at minor things but I wish he'd just try and calm me down or tell me I'm being silly, rather than make fun and upset me more.