My story

Ashley • Avoiding pregnancy. 3 losses (6, 16, 15 weeks). 1 earth son, Lincoln born at 26 weeks. Just turned TWO & doing great!
Hey ladies, I just headed over from the high risk pregnancy group looking for support. I am 20 weeks and have incomp cervix. I am currently on weekly checks, bed rest, vaginal progesterone. I am sitting at .7cm of cervix with funneling. We are moving into tub hospital in less then 2 weeks. I had a cerclage at 13 weeks that fell out on its own at 14+5. This is my 4th pregnancy. My first two losses were 6 wk and 16 wk both due to genetics. And recently lost my other son in dec due to incomp cervix at 15 wks. I am so blessed to still be pregnant. I hope this little man makes it.