Tell me your stories


Tell me an event or day in your life when you have seen God's work in your life or when God has sent you an unmistakable sign in your life that almost seemed to smack you in the face with obviousness, where he truly showed himself to you in significant way!

I have a few, but one of them I think about often. .

I was told I'd never have children, I was devastated. . I cried week after week for months about it.

One day I came home and I was upset, I started to cry all over again. Now I walked past my front lawn on the way into the house and nothing was there. But as I was crying I saw something out of the front window. . I stopped crying and walked up to investigate. A single white rose had grown right in the very middle of my front lawn. I knew it was God saying 'I am always with you and everything will be fine' well a little over a year later I fell pregnant naturally! After my son was born I looked up his name meaning and it means "man of prayer" then a year later when I was baptized a couple from my church handed me a bunch of. . White roses! I know it was God still letting me know he was right where he's always been, still with me holding my hand :-)