My Abortion Story

I read through a ton of abortion questions and I feel like telling my story could help a lot of women out there struggling with the decision. It is definitely not a decision I made lightly and will haunt me for the rest of my life. When I found out I was pregnant I was already two months in. I frequently missed my period because I was suffering from bulimia and had very low body weight. When I finally told my boyfriend he freaked out and stopped talking to me and when he did he would only ask if I had made an abortion appointment. I was 19 and felt like if I didn't I would lose him (stupid I know). I chose to have the surgical abortion instead of the pill. It went by really fast and I didn't have to deal with the trauma and pain my other friends went through with the pill. I hate myself for the choice I made if I could go back and say fuck him and keep my baby I would any day.