I need help!! Even its long try to read the last part, please i really need help!

Okay, so my bf and i are dating for 7 months, 3 months were kind of long distance relationship so it was kind of hard, we had lots of fights but we still stick together and we get closer and more and now we're together again and we are really glad we got through all those stuff
But now i have this really hard situation going on, he's on football team amd he's junior. He had to play receiver this year and he had worked for it for 2-3 months, and we were really glad and happy about that. But one day, the day i was coming back, a week ago, he had a practice at 3 but he had to miss it cuz of me, it was like aroumd 2:30-2:40 when i landed(i didmt really pay attention) and he had to get me to the dorms and also the things are far amd stuff so it took us long, and he didnt go to his practice
And after couple of days his coach asked me if he picked me up from the airport, and he asked the time i landed, and im stupid i didnt remember the time so i said "like 2 something" and the coach said ok and he left
And everything was going fine and ok, but them today my bf called me so mad and he said hes not playing as a receiver anymore, cuz i ruined it and he's like super mad and i just dont know what to do
I need some good advice