My Safety and Disrespect ( I need to vent )

Okay So My Mom Died October 6. And I moved in with my dad and his wife (my stepmom now ) and some stuff happens between my stepmom and my dad family and my dad end up moving out because my dad family told him that my stepmom aka his wife 2as cheating. But it wasn't true and it was my dad was the cheating one. My little sister is 14 and she doesn't respect our dad for it. First of all this man that my stepmom was supposedly sleeping with was living with us . Yup crazy right. My stepmom married him to get her passport . Yup we are immigrants. Well after my dad moved out the place my little sister she is 14 is starting to give trouble. She doesn't respect my stepmom. She disrespects her. And I don't tolrent that bullshit. She's talks to millions of boys. Send them nudes. (Naked pic ) she started doing this when she was 13. We found out she smokes now. I found out when all of sudden my brother bed mattress had a big hole and it was burnt. My brother and I doesn't play with fire. That day is room was smelling of Cigarettes and weed and I knew it wasn't me or him and my stepmom doesn't smoke so I did alil look out and saw some cigarette and weed under my sister pillow so complain to my stepmom and she yelled at her. My dad doesn't even know this is what going on inside the house. She goes to school and comes home at 1 in the night. My stepmom yelled at her again. We have Acs in our House Now because of my little sister. My sister doesn't respect the house now. She will smoke in the house and not expect me to say anything to her. I'm about to be 21. I'm fed up with the disrespect and wait I forgot. My sister pulled a knife on me 5 times. I catch her smoking in the living room and told her mother and I threaten her that I will tell my father she went in the kitchen and came in my room to pull the knife on me . She's just 14 and acting like this. She's out of control. She's has therapy , anger management and it doesn't seem to help either.. my stepmom at a point where she doesn't even give a shit. I'm ready to move out because I can't take this shit anymore. I'm saving up so I won't deal with this Bullshit. It's puts alot of stress on me. I'm glad my dad moved out.

What should I do ? Should I leave her? I'm the oldest siblings. 💔