My SO leaves almost every other day ..

To go hang with his family or friends like to 15 mins away and he usually will leave around the time he gets out of work like 3 til like 10 or 11 pm and I'm really getting annoyed and it's always to go play basketball or smoke weed I'm getting really tired of it. He said he is leaving alot because the baby will be here next month and he doesn't wanna leave once she is here. But why can't he just support me and be by my side I'm not trying to smother him no but just like his family I want to spend time with him to I mean I am the mother of his child and basically his wife and we have a 5 year old and he rarely has been spending time with us :( I'm so sad and he doesn't understand how much it hurts me. He has been doing this so much that now when he leaves I don't ever listen to what he says he says he won't be gone all day but always is gone all day I feel so alone him and my mom and my son are the only ppl I talk to .sometimes I just want to run away from this whole life because he acts like he doesn't care sometimes and he is never serious he is always playing around and that annoys me too I just want to feel loved is that so much to ask for now a days. Sometimes this life takes a big toll on my heart sometimes I just don't want to be here. I never get to go do anything I want like my boyfriend he always has freedom hasn't been staying in the house since his brother moved back here from California. Sometimes I just severely hate his family because they are always asking him to go out to chill and hang but it's always about playing basketball or smoking weed. I hate that he chooses those things over me. I just want to feel loved. I just want to feel loved. Tears in my eyes right now at this moment. Does he not understand my emotion affects the baby. I just want to be happy but how can I when he has changed so much he used to stay in the house with me and do things with me all the time but now since his brother is back here everything is different. I'm so tired of this life he says it's only this way til the baby comes but does he not get that I'm already sick of his actions. I feel like giving up our relationship. But then I'm stuck with 2 kids. Why does life have to be so hard. Why does love have to be felt so hard. Why can't I be heartless.