Sigh ... What can I expect

Karen Ann • In love, happy, blessed, 25.
So I told my boyfriend my sister niece and brother and law were coming into town and I really wanted him to meet my niece... ( I told him this two weeks in advance ) so my niece was having her one year birthday and I told him I would love if he could make it.. That it would mean so much to me for him to meet her and be around my family well he told me he had work that day but wanted to get off early so I understood but was kind of upset but didn't let him know .. So he ended up getting off early and decided to go home ... I just thought to myself if he knew how much this ment to me why wouldn't he come? But I didn't make it a big deal just told him I wish you were here in a nice way, well the next day was our three years which I had been bringing up to him as well that this was my longest relationship and I couldn't wait to celebrate with a dinner well nothing happened I got a text saying happy three years and then ignored the rest of the day I was upset about that as well.. So today he tells me after work he's going to clear lake which is an hour away to visit his friend cause he wanted to catch up I'm like okay cool have fun.. But really I was thinking to myself ... He would do that for his friend who wanted to see him but is making zero effort in our relationship these days ... So we made an agreement that on Instagram I wouldn't follow guys and he would not follow girls so I made a new Instagram and he deleted most but not all of the girls so I told him if you're not going to delete all the girls then I'll follow guys you're not sticking to what we talked out ( Instagram always caused us problems) so I followed four guys to his like 30 girls and he screen shot the guys I followed and called me a bitch .. And I told you I only did that cause I told you to delete them and you took me as a joke.. So now he's completely ignoring me and with his friend... 
I really don't know what to do but I've felt shitty all weekend like I'm worthless and I'm over it.. I wanted to end it cause I feel like he will never see that these things add up and are really affecting my feelings