Exclusive but not official

I met him on spring break 7 months ago and we became exclusive in April. We live far away from each other but we do talk everyday. He's a very nice guy and all of my friends love him to. We've been traveling to visit each other and I went to weddings with him too. I am ready to make it official and commit to him but he tells me that he doesn't want to rush into it and take it slow because we still don't know each other completely. He also told me he rushed into his relationship with his ex so that's also one of the reasons. He likes me a lot too and I know that but I just don't know how long I can wait. And because we are far away from each other not having that security make it harder. Saying bye to him is already so hard for me right now and I know I'm falling for him but I feel like it's not fair for me when my feelings are so strong for him and he still needs time to figure his situation out. 
 Please give me some advice :(